
Roofers: They're Number One

Is It Time To Replace A Commercial Roof?

Commercial roofs often deliver many decades of service without replacement. Minimal maintenance typically keeps them in good shape, but there will come a time when you'll need to perform a commercial roof replacement. Identifying the need for a commercial roofing replacement project could avert potentially more expensive scenarios so it's good to know when it's time to do the job.

Low Areas with Pooled Water

As the roof ages, gravity will slowly pull it down. This process happens unevenly, and that means some spots will be lower than others. When this occurs, water may start pooling in the depressions. This is especially true in regions that aren't especially sunny because the roofs might not get warm enough for the water to evaporate.

It is common for commercial roofs to have slight depressions to encourage water to flow toward drain pipes. If there isn't a pipe in the center of the low area, though, that's probably a sign the damage is more general.

These depressions can undermine the structural integrity of the roof. They apply significantly more pressure, especially in climates that get lots of snow and ice. Have a commercial roof replacement contractor check out the top of your building.

Unfixable Blisters or Bubbles

Many rubber and membrane materials will deform after a few years of seasonal cycles. The swings back and forth between hot and cold may cause blisters or bubbles. Contractors can sometimes fix these issues, but they can eventually become untreatable. Large bubbles and blisters are hard to safely and effectively correct. Once the roof has reached this point, it's best to discuss commercial roofing replacement options.

Large Holes or Cracks

Anything that openly allows the weather to get into the building is a problem. Even if you're not seeing signs of leakage inside the building, there is probably water going somewhere inside the structure. If left unaddressed, these leaks can undermine the building all the way to the foundation.

Many holes and cracks are fixable. Contractors can often patch these, and they frequently can just fill cracks with a type of roofing cement. These are generally small problems, though. At a certain size, holes and cracks presuppose replacement work.

Sections of Material Coming Up

Whole sections of the roofing material can come up. This is especially true if a strong wind storm creates enough of a pressure differential to partially pull up the roof. Even if the roof has stayed attached, there may be multiple spots where it's no longer solidly connected. Repairing this work is nitpicky in the best of circumstances so you'll usually be further ahead to tear up and replace everything.

For more information, contact a commercial roof replacement service near you.

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Roofers: They're Number One

Who is number one on your list? We have to say that roofers are number one on our list. Would you expect anything else from people who write a blog about roofers? Probably not, but allow us to explain a bit more. While we have appreciation for a lot of different professions, we have really come to appreciate the balance of skills that roofers must hold. They need to know how to work with their hands. At the same time, they also need a lot of technical knowledge, and they need to be able to make some pretty involved mathematical calculations, too. Thank you, roofers.
