
Roofers: They're Number One

Roofing Services: Things You Can Expect When Working With An Expert Roofer

Every homeowner is responsible for ensuring that the roof remains in excellent condition. However, despite inspections and timely repairs, remember that your roof has a limit. Once it hits a certain age, no amount of care or repairs can restore it. Instead, you need a new roof installation to eliminate any roofing issues you may have been experiencing. During installation, you will be working closely with a qualified roofer. Below are a few things you can expect during that time.

They Will Carry Out Inspections

Inspecting your roof is necessary as it gives an idea of the scope of work ahead. During this stage, your roofer will be checking for areas that need repair and those that require replacement. For instance, a completely damaged sheathing must be replaced prior to installing the roof. This is also where the roofer will determine how much the entire project will cost.

The Old and Damaged Roof Will Be Uninstalled

The new roof needs to be installed afresh, without the old one underneath. Doing otherwise would double the roof's weight, causing unnecessary strain on your home. Uninstalling the old roof also enables the roofer to inspect the decking. It means that other potential risks beneath the roof are also noticed, including leaks. Therefore, the old roof has to be removed first and the worn-out layers replaced with new ones, which is quite complicated. A professional roof installation team can do this safely and efficiently.

Your Roof Will Be Protected Against Heavy Downpours

When the rainy season starts, you want to ensure your home is safe from water damage. This can be achieved by protecting your roof from rainfall. First, the roofer will include a barrier that covers all the edges. This barrier is then nailed down during roof installation so that the wind doesn't blow it away. Additionally, there will be a drip edge, which helps to prevent further water damage on the siding. So you can have peace of mind even during heavy downpours.

Adding the Underlayment and Shingles

The underlayment is the component between your roof's shingles and sheathing. It acts as a secondary protective layer for your roof. So before the shingles are installed, the underlayment will be secured using cap nails while ensuring it does not touch the drip edge. Once the underlayment dries and settles properly, the shingles will then be installed and your property cleared after the work is done.

Knowing what a roofer does during installation helps you to better prepare for the process. The best part about hiring roof installation services is that you are assured of a strong and durable roof.

For more information, contact a local company, like Jewell Roofing.

About Me

Roofers: They're Number One

Who is number one on your list? We have to say that roofers are number one on our list. Would you expect anything else from people who write a blog about roofers? Probably not, but allow us to explain a bit more. While we have appreciation for a lot of different professions, we have really come to appreciate the balance of skills that roofers must hold. They need to know how to work with their hands. At the same time, they also need a lot of technical knowledge, and they need to be able to make some pretty involved mathematical calculations, too. Thank you, roofers.
